Update problems Entry point not found


Problem: After a download and installation of the newer version (Update) of your program, the software can no longer be started from the desktop. You get the error message “Entry point not found”.

Answer: The error message might be the result of the installer for the update not being able to replace all the required files and you are now working with incompatible versions of the files.

In your user folder you will find the sub-folder “Updates”.

In our system the pathway goes C:\User\AppData\Local\ChessBase \Updates. It is in this folder that the  updates installer for our programs is stored. The pathway can vary but the folder must be there somewhere!

"Gui14x64.exe" represents, for example, the 64 Bit update for Deep Fritz 14, the file "Gui15x64.exe" is for the 64 Bit version of Fritz 15 etc.

Please try to manually start the update file which is appropriate to your chess program. You can do this, for example, with a double click in Windows Explorer or an alternative file management program.

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